Sugar found in red meat is poisonous to our body

Vegan | March 16, 2015 | By

We have all known that consumption of red meat and dairy has long been linked to the development of certain types of cancer. But no one really knew why. A group of University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, scientists decided to find out, and they believe they’ve found the culprit behind red meat’s carcinogenic effects. 

Researchers decided to focus on a single sugar molecule, called Neu5Gc, that has been found in high levels in cancerous tissues but isn’t produced by the human body – indicating that it comes from our diet. Neu5Gc is naturally produced in all carnivorous mammals except not humans!

Red meat has sugars that cause cancer and diabetes

The scientists picked human-like Neu5Gc-deficient mice (like us) and fed bioavailable Neu5Gc and then challenged with anti-Neu5Gc antibodies, the mice developed systemic inflammation.

This sugar molecule Neu5Gc found in the flesh of beef, lamb and pork the human body treats as a toxin or a poison and creates an immune response.  Long-term exposure to this sugar in mice was found to cause a five-fold increase in their chances of developing cancer.

When researchers measured the amount of Neu5Gc in various foods, they found that red meat had especially high levels. Beef, bison, pork and lamb had the greatest amount of the sugar. Fruits and vegetables had none.
You can find the published findings from the University study here:

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